Orsolya Varró

studies and activities

conference papers
conferences co-organized
volumes co-edited
courses taught
research trips
volunteer work


2018–present: PhD in Medieval History at Eötvös Loránd University
2014–2018: MA in History at Eötvös Loránd University
2016–2017: MA in Medieval Studies at Central European University
2011–2014: BA in History at Eötvös Loránd University, minor in Scandinavian Studies


The Integration of Saint-Victor of Marseille into the Landed Elite of Eleventh-Century Provence
advisor: Dr. Péter Molnár
The aim of my dissertation is to provide a comprehensive overview of the political connections and strategies of the abbey of Saint-Victor of Marseille in Provence following its re-establishment in 977. By the end of the 11th century, the monastery succeeded at growing from an economically vulnerable community of five monks into one of the most influential political forces in the region. The analysis of this progress can shed light on the structural characteristics and inner dynamics of Provençal society and on the formation of a monastic community's self-narrative.


Hungarian: native
English: advanced (IELTS 8.5 [C2], 2018), certified translator (social sciences)
French: advanced (DALF C1, 2015)
Danish: intermediate
German: intermediate (C1, 2011)
Latin: intermediate/advanced

conference papers

May 11, 2024
The Sounds of Holiness: the Auditory Aspect of Saint Isarn’s Cult in Eleventh-Century Provence
59th International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo

July 3, 2023
Bishops or Pawns? The Limits of Episcopal Power in Tenth- and Eleventh-Century Aquitaine
30th International Medieval Congress, Leeds

June 17, 2022
A püspöki hatalom keretei a 11. századi Provence-ban [The Frameworks of Episcopal Authority in Eleventh-Century Provence]
Középkorral foglalkozó doktoranduszok konferenciája [Conference of Doctoral Students in Medieval Studies], Budapest

July 7, 2021
Finiunt conventi? Status and Order in Early 11th-Century Poitou
28th International Medieval Congress, Leeds

June 25, 2021
„Colligite me in medietatem terrę…”: veszedelmes viszonyok La Cadière-ben [‟Colligite me in medietatem terrę…”: Dangerous Liaisons in La Cadière]
Középkorral foglalkozó doktoranduszok konferenciája [Conference of Doctoral Students in Medieval Studies], Budapest

November 12, 2020
Társadalmi felelősségvállalás a 11. századi Provence-ban [Social Responsibility in Eleventh-Century Provence]
Középkorral foglalkozó doktoranduszok konferenciája [Conference of Doctoral Students in Medieval Studies], Budapest

July 1, 2019
Land, Honour, and Status in Southern France in the 10th and 11th Centuries
26th International Medieval Congress, Leeds

June 23, 2019
Barátok közt: a marseille-i Saint-Victor apátság megtelepedése Brignoles környékén [Friends, Episode 1: The Settlement of Saint-Victor of Marseille in Brignoles]
Középkorral foglalkozó doktoranduszok konferenciája [Conference of Doctoral Students in Medieval Studies], Budapest

May 9, 2019
“Tabescunt leges et iam pax defluit omnis.” Models of Society and Narratives of Peace in France at the Turn of the First Millennium
54th International Conference on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo

April 26, 2019
A marseille-i Saint-Victor betagozódása a 11. századi provence-i társadalomba [The Integration of Saint-Victor of Marseille into the Feudal Society of 11th-Century Provence]
XXXIV. Országos Tudományos Diákköri Konferencia, Budapest

April 26, 2018
„Mutantur mores hominum mutatur et ordo.” Társadalomszemlélet az első ezredforduló Franciaországában [“Mutantur mores hominum mutatur et ordo.” Thinking about Society in France at the Turn of the First Millennium]
VII. Középkorász Mesterszakos Konferencia [7th Conference of Graduate Students in Medieval History], Budapest

December 2, 2016
A hívő teste. Szent Fides csodái a 11. század elején [The Believer’s Body. The Miracles of Saint Fides in the Early 11th Century]
Történeti Kollégium, Budapest

March 11, 2015
Szent Martialis kultusza és az Isten békéje-mozgalom [The Cult of Saint Martial and the Peace of God]
IV. Középkorász Mesterszakos Konferencia, Budapest [4th Conference of Graduate Students in Medieval History]

November 27, 2014
Az apostol és a mártír. Két délnyugat-franciaországi szent kultusza az első ezredfordulón [The Apostle and the Martyr. The Cult of Two Southwestern French Saints at the Turn of the First Millennium]
ELTE BTK Kari TDK Konferencia, Budapest

April 4, 2013
Aquitania hatalmi erőviszonyai az első ezredfordulón [Power Relations in Aquitaine at the Turn of the First Millennium]
XXXI. Országos Tudományos Diákköri Konferencia, Debrecen

conferences co-organized

IMC Leeds, 138: Elite Entanglements and Places of Power in West Francia, 850—1050
July 3, 2023

Középkorral foglalkozó doktoranduszok konferenciája [Conference of Doctoral Students in Medieval Studies], Budapest
June 16–17, 2022
June 24–25, 2021
November 12–13, 2020

V. Középkorász Mesterszakos Konferencia [5th Conference of Graduate Students in Medieval History], Budapest
April 21, 2016

volumes co-edited

Micae mediaevales XI.
with Sándor Hunyadi and Veronika Rudolf

Micae mediaevales X.
with Enikő Kovács, Veronika Rudolf, László Szokola, and Márton Veszprémy

courses taught

Fall 2022
Antique and Medieval Church History
John Wesley Theological College (Budapest), T208

Spring 2021
The Frankish Empire’s Five Centuries
Eötvös Loránd University, BBN-TSP11-212/3

Spring 2020
The Emergence of the French State from Clovis to Philip II
Eötvös Loránd University, BBN-TSP11-212/4

research trips

November 15 – December 20, 2021
Marseille, Aix-en-Provence

October 15 – December 15, 2019
Marseille, Aix-en-Provence

December 4–22, 2017; April 10–18, 2017; December 13–20, 2014
Bibliothèque nationale de France

volunteer work

2023–, 2020–2022
Hallgatói Szakszervezet ([Independent] Student Union)

CEU Student Union